Tobago Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow
Building Type
Forsyth Glazing Limited (FGL) has its operating base at 30 Tobago Street, Calton. The company occupies a modern factory and office facility of 1,376 sq m (14,800 sq ft). It is a well-established business and currently employs 55 staff. It supplies all types of glazing units, specialising in door and mirror fittings. In February 2013 CGDL approved the sale of development land for the construction of a new factory extension. CGDL also assembled the various ownership interests to integrate with their car parking/landscaping proposals for the larger site. In December 2016 a design change was agreed to provide a stand-alone unit of 8,000 sq ft which was completed in March 2018. Terms were agreed with Howdens to take a lease of the unit in 2019 to Howden Joinery properties Ltd who commenced trading in late 2019. Forsyth propose to secure the whole London Road frontage and carry out full landscaping of the area.